NewMind.env.excursion = [ { "product_key": 907810, "prodtype_id": "ATTR", "product_name": "The Bee Centre", "topcategory_id": "anicol", "topcategory_key": 30, "eastings": 358426, "northings": 423329, "latitude": 53.70473, "longitude": -2.63123, "bookable": true, "address4": "Chorley", "address5": "Lancashire", "min_price": 50, "gradings": [ ], "categories": [ 30, 37, 3062, 3212 ],"tripadvisorrating": 5 , "detail_link": "/things-to-do/the-bee-centre-p907810", "info": "

The Bee Centre


Enter the incredible world of the honeybee at The Bee Centre. The visitor centre is full of information, displays and activities which provide a fascinating insight into these amazing & important animals & their relationship with humans.

\r\n" } ]